Services We Offer

Pre-Purchase Inspections
Pre-Purchase Inspections
When you have found the home you want to purchase, it is essential to have a professional home inspector conduct a pre-purchase inspection. At Insight Inspections, our inspection services follow the rigorous Standards of Practice set forth by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).
Pre-Listing Inspections
Pre-Listing Inspections
If you’re about to sell a home, you should know that a Pre-Listing Inspection can make your home more appealing to buyers and save you time in the long-run. During our inspection, we will find any issues that might deter buyers or lower their offers, giving you the opportunity to have the home repaired before listing it.
Radon Gas Measurement
Radon Gas Measurement
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. Our radon testing technician certification by InterNACHI adheres to the requirements set forth by NRPP, so we are very knowledgeable about the dangers of radon levels and the testing procedures required in real estate transactions. We use electronic continuous monitoring devices to ensure accurate results given to the client very quickly.
Termite/WDO Inspections
Termite/WDO Inspections
Termites and other wood destroying organisms can often go unnoticed in the home until they have caused significant structural damage. We will thoroughly check the home for any signs of an infestation or related damages and then offer our professional remediation advice.
Pool and Spa Inspections
Pool and Spa Inspections
We offer an optional pool and spa inspection service to evaluate the current condition of all accessible pool components. The inspection service consists of four phases to ensure a thorough evaluation of the property. We inspect placement and protection, vessel and coping, equipment, and equipment operation.
First Time Home Buyer Discount
First Time Home Buyer Discount
We know how stressful buying a home can be, both mentally and financially. We want to help with the financial burden by offering a discount if this is your first home buying experience.